Government Working Vigorously to Revive Lake Urmia

President Hassan Rouhani said the government was working hard on projects to revive Lake Urmia.

Kooh Gol Lake

Kooh Gol Lake is located in the north of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad, close to the hills of Kooh Gol, which means “Flower Mountain”. The...

Bird Garden in Isfahan

Isfahan Bird Garden is located on a 17,000m2 site in the ancient city of Isfahan, central Iran. The garden is home to some 5,000...

Jazmourian Wetland Under Threat

Nestled between the provinces of Kerman and Sistan-Baluchestan, Jazmourian is one of two major wetlands in southeast Iran, the other being the Hamouns. Both are on the knife-edge of complete desiccation as a result of climate change, excessive dam construction and the depletion of groundwater resources.

Dreamy Village in Northern Iran

Iran’s northern province of Gilan is full of exquisite mountains and hidden villages. “Olasa Blanga” village is one of the most picturesque, located at...

Lake Urmia

Lake Urmia is an endorheic salt lake in West Azerbaijan province. In the late 1990s, Lake Urmia was the largest salt-water lake in the Middle East.

Cheetah Killed in Accident, Cub Escaped

On Wednesday night, May 11, a female cheetah unfortunately died in a collision with passing vehicles on a road between Semnan and Mashhad, near...

UNESCO to Present Plaque to Iran on Hamoun Lake Registration

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in a ceremony in southeast of Iran will present a plaque to the Iranian officials for registration of Hamoun Lake in the World Network of Biosphere Reserves.

Iran’s Beauties in Photos: Spring in Ardabil

Ardabil is a region in the northwest of Iran, bordering the Republic of Azerbaijan, the provinces of East Azarbaijan, Zanjan, and Gilan.    

“Let’s Fight against Illegal Killing and Trade in Migratory Birds”

  International Migratory Bird Day is an event held since 2006 by two international wildlife organizations: The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of...

Artemia Still Alive

 Water shortages and the subsequent severe increase in water-salt ratios in Lake Urmia water in recent years, has put Artemia, the only living creature...

Iran’s Wildlife: Bijar Protected Zone

IRIB: The Bijar Protected Zone is a natural area in the northeast of Iran’s western province of Kurdistan, near the city of Bijar. This...

Jow Kandan’s Pristine Woodlands

IFP: Jow Kandan is a beautiful region in the central district of Talesh County, Gilan Province. Gilan is in the north of Iran, bordering...

Ultra-Marathon in Iranian Deserts Approaching Finish Line

The runners participating in the Iranian Silk Road Ultra-Marathon, who have already passed the longest and most difficult stage (known as the Long March) in the hottest spot on Earth, will finally cross the finish line on Sunday, May 7.

Spring Blossoms in Mountains Overlooking the Desert

Ostour, a village in the mountainous desert regions of Sirjan in Kerman Province, is adorned with spring blossoms of eye-catching beauty.  

Spring Blossoms in Mountains Overlooking the Desert

Ostour, a village in the mountainous desert regions of Sirjan in Kerman Province, is adorned with spring blossoms of eye-catching beauty.    

Iranian Zoologist Discovers Unexpected Species of Rare Intertidal Spiders

In a recent study by Iranian Alireza Zamani, Russian Yuri M. Marusik and American James W. Berry, arachnologists, a new species of intertidal spider...

Untold Stories about the Iranian Silk Road Ultra-Marathon

The Iranian Silk Road Ultra-Marathon will start on 2 May in the hottest spot on Earth. Some of the world’s fastest marathon runners will be in attendance. It will be held in Kerman Province from May 2-9 with runners from ten different countries.

Aerial Photos of Persian Gulf on Its National Day

National Persian Gulf Day is an annual observance in Iran that was first suggested in January 2004 and approved by the government in July...

A Canola Farm in Bloom

Canola, a variant of rapeseed, is one of the most important oilseeds grown in temperate regions.

Mountain Hiking in Iran is Both Attractive and Cheap: Mountaineer

“Many people are fond of Iran’s mountains, but still there are many others who don’t know how they can get there. They don’t even know that a journey to Iran’s mountains is much cheaper than many other countries.”

Saving the Earth Needs a Revolution in Environmental Protection

The Head of Department of Environment said a big revolution is needed in dealing with nature and the environment in order to save the earth and mankind.

Green Slopes of Shahvar Mount

4000-meter Shahvar Mount is the symbol of glory in Shahroud of Semnan province. Shahvar is the highest peak of north east of Iran and...

Beauty of fritillaria imperialis

Dehaghan of Isfahan province is home to beautiful red fritillaria imperialis flowers during the spring.    

Festival of Tulips in City of Karaj

Visitors ar5e seen attending the Festival of Tulips held in the city of Karaj. Tulip in the Iranian culture is among national flowers as...

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