Tehran University to Establish Research Centre for Silicone Solar Cell

University of Tehran is set to establish a research centre for silicone solar cells as part of a project attended by knowledge-based companies.

“As part of a project to expand the development processes of solar cell production in the country and to promote the technical knowledge of the experts in this field, Iran’s Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology has offered to accomplish an unfinished project in Tehran University,” the official site of Iran’s government said in a report on Tuesday.

The new project is titled the Research Centre for Silicone Solar Cell which is expected to be set up at Tehran University.

According to the report, the suggestion has also been made with the aim of making the required scientific reforms in the country and upgrading Iranian scientific establishments.

The centre is expected to offer services to all Iranian researchers as well as scientific centres, knowledge-based companies and other industrial complexes.

Conducting research on photovoltaic cells and other scientific tests including measuring the solar cells’ features are among other functions of the new centre. The project will also enable Iranian PhD candidates to press ahead with their research in the related fields.

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