Iran president: Covid jab producers can export surplus products

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi has authorized Iranian Covid vaccine producers to export their surplus products.

Raisi also praised the production of Coronavirus jabs by Iranian pharmaceutical companies as an accomplishment worthy of being proud of.

The president referred to the need for helping other countries fight Covid, saying Iran is determined to continue its humanitarian policies and assisting regional and other countries in different parts of the world.

He then singled out China, saying the country was of great help to Iran by sending vaccine shipments to the Islamic Republic. Raisi noted that Iran is in a position now that it can share its experience in fighting the Coronavirus with China.

He further spoke of the need for citizens to abide by health protocols. Raisi urged all officials and people to institutionalize adherence to health protocols and respecting the instructions of experts and those of the National Taskforce for Fighting Covid in society.

Raisi warned that the downward trend in Covid deaths and infections should not make people relax health protocols. He also urged officials against making any statement that would cause concern among people and adversely affect businesses and livelihoods.

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