Torsheh Vash; Great Choice for Those Who Like Sour Foods

Torsheh Vash is one of the local foods of northern Iran, especially Gilan province. The name of this stew is taken from one of its ingredients, a plant called Torsheh Vash (wood sorrels).

The plant usually grows naturally in subtropical and tropical regions. In Iran, the plant is found in Gilan (cities of Rasht and Lahijan) and Lorestan provinces.

Torsheh Vash has many benefits. This herb is effective in treating anemia because of its high amount of iron. It also contains phosphorus. This plant improves the absorption of nutrients and is very effective for strengthening hair, nails and skin. It also acts as an appetizer.

Torsheh Vash stew is a combination of chicken, eggplant, wood sorrels, plum paste and pomegranate paste. If you are interested in sour foods, you will definitely enjoy this meal.


Eggplant: 4 medium-sized ones

Tomato: 3 medium-sized ones

Boneless chicken (preferably chicken breast): 500 g

Onions: 1 large one

Pomegranate paste: 2 tbsps

Plum paste: 3 tbsps

Local veggies (Torsheh Vash, coriander, mint, garlic, sorrel and blue eryngo): As much as needed

Salt, pepper and turmeric: As much as needed

Torsheh Vash; Great Choice for Those Who Like Sour FoodsDirections:

  • Peel the eggplants and put them in salty water. Stir until the salt dissolves in the water, then put the eggplants in the water for about half an hour. This is necessary to remove the bitterness of the eggplants. Rinse and chop vegetables.
  • Fry eggplants. Then, fry the vegetables in a separate dish with a little oil. Then grate the onions and pour into the frying pan. When the vegetables are almost fried, add the eggplants to the pan.
  • Put the chicken in a separate pan and sauté with salt, pepper and turmeric. After this, add the chicken to the vegetable pan. Dilute the pomegranate paste and plum paste with a little warm water in a glass and add to the dish. While adding, mix the ingredients until well blended. At this point, pour two cups of water into the dish. When the water boils, lower the heat and let the stew slowly get ready. This step takes about 45 minutes.
  • When the stew is ready, chop the tomatoes in ring form and fry them in a separate pan to design the food.


  • Note that the eggplants should be crushed and thoroughly mixed.
  • If you do not have access to Torsheh Vash for this stew, you can use any other vegetables.
  • Torsheh Vash stew is served with pillaw.
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