IS teaches child recruits how to sever heads

IS releases shocking images teaching children how to behead news website reported on August 25 that websites operated by the Islamic State (IS) formerly known as ISIS have released images of a Libyan child decapitating a doll in imitation of the beheading of US journalist James Foley. Here is the translation of the story by Alalam:

“Teach your children how to behead so that they could help you out. There will be too many rotten heads [to be severed] tomorrow,” runs the caption of one photo.

In another photo a hooded child holding a knife in one hand and a doll in an orange jumpsuit in another poses for the camera with a black flag of the terrorist grouping in the background. In yet another photo the severed head of the doll lies on its chest.

The London-based daily Alhayat reports the terrorist group has set up training camps for children. And the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, also based in London, has reported that IS has recruited thousands of children aged between 12 and 16 in Iraq, Syria, and other Arab countries. These children are being trained at special camps in Iraq’s Nineveh province.

Alhayat further reported that IS is training a new generation of terrorists, a generation that takes up arms at an early age and is devoid of any human feelings by the time they are grown up.

IS teaches child recruits how to sever heads
IS teaches child recruits how to sever heads



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