Source: Iran rejects “fake deadlines” for Vienna talks

The Iranian negotiating team in Vienna has rejected any “fake deadline” for the talks, a source says, stressing that the outcome hinges on how other parties approach the discussions.

“After agreement on the format of the negotiations during the previous round, negotiators are scheduled to discuss the contents during the next round. If the other parties are ready to focus on the content in the talks, we can move forward,” IRNA cited a source close to the Iranian negotiating team as saying.

“Iran is committed to achieving a good agreement in the shortest possible time but we will not get entrapped by fake deadlines and such deadlines will not become our deadlines. For us, there is no emergency in the talks.”

IRNA also cited the source as saying that the progress, during the previous round of the talks, in the texts on nuclear issues shows Iran’s seriousness.

“Now it is the other parties’ turn to show their good will on the issue of sanctions. Progress in the future round hinges on the approach adopted by the other parties,” the source said.
The eighth round of the Vienna talks for removal of anti-Iran sanctions and revival of the 2015 nuclear deal are scheduled to begin Monday.

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