‘Saudis must first prove good will to Iran before resumption of ties’

A Iranian political expert says Saudi Arabia first needs to prove its “good will” and true intention to establish lasting relations with the Islam Republic before the two neighbors can reach a détente and resume ties.

In an interview with IRNA, Hassan Hanizadeh said “important dossiers” have been brought up in the talks, including Saudi Arabia’s acts of sabotage targeting the resistance axis, its alignment with the Zionist regime, and its war on Yemen.

“As stated by officials, solutions have been found for many of the issues” hindering Tehran-Riyadh ties, he said The expert said thanks to the “positive” outcome of the fifth round of talks in Iraq, Tehran and Riyadh are set to issue a 10-article statement on resolving their differences.

Then, a “historic” meeting is expected between the Iranian and Saudi foreign ministers in Iraq or another third state in the “near future.”

Hanizadeh warned that Israel may make attempts to prevent a rapprochement between Tehran and Riyadh, which the regime sees as a threat to its presence in the Persian Gulf.

The observer said soured ties with the US could be also a driving force behind Saudi efforts to resume ties with Iran.

Iran, he said, has repeatedly extended a hand of friendship to the Persian Gulf Arab countries in a bid to soothe tensions and end foreign meddling in the region, adding, “It is now Saudi Arabia’s turn to show good will in talks with Iran.”

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