Russia on Pelosi’s visit: World has no place for US hegemony

Russia says the recent visit to Taiwan by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is “a clear provocation” against China, and urges Washington to understand that the world is no place for US hegemony.

In a statement on Tuesday, the same day that Pelosi arrived in Taiwan, the Russian Foreign Ministry said the provocative visit was “in keeping with the US’s aggressive policy of comprehensive containment of” China.

“We believe relations between both sides of the Taiwan Strait are exclusively China’s domestic affair. The Chinese side is entitled to take any measures necessary to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity in terms of the Taiwan issue,” it said.

The ministry added that Russia’s stance on Taiwan continued to be based on the “one China” policy, according to which Beijing has sovereignty over Taiwan.

“We operate on the premise that there is only one China, and the PRC government is the only legitimate government representing all of China, and that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China,” it said, using an abbreviation for the People’s Republic of China.

The Russian ministry also called “on Washington to refrain from actions… that undermine regional stability and international security, and to recognize the new geopolitical reality, which has no place for US hegemony.”

Pelosi arrived in Taiwan on a highly provocative trip meant to ignore Chinese sovereignty on Taiwan and bypass the Beijing government. The trip took place over the objections of the US President Joe Biden administration, the US military, and American analysts.

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