Russian diplomat amid media storm: Iran has openly rejected nukes

Russia’s permanent ambassador to international organizations in Vienna says Iranians have openly rejected nuclear weapons long ago, following comments by a senior Iranian official, which western media took to mean the country is after nukes.

“To be precise, #Iran produces uranium enriched to 60 % for a long time already in response to the #US maximum pressure policy started by Trump and continued by Biden. But the highest Iranian authorities clearly stated long ago that Tehran rules out production of nuclear weapons,” Mikhail Ulyanov said in a tweet.

He was responding to a media storm around the comments by the director of Iran’s Strategic Council on Foreign Relations who told al-Jazeera on Sunday that Iran is “capable of” making a nuclear bomb “but does not intend to do so”.

“Capable does not mean willing or planning,” Ulyanov said.

He added that the current situation with the nuclear program of Iran is “the product of maximum pressure policy of Trump/Biden”.

Iran has time and again said it has no intention to produce nuclear weapons or any other weapons of mass destruction.

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