Non-oil exports of Iran crosses $45 billion

Of Iran's more than $45 billion worth of non-oil exports, $43 billion are goods and over $2 billion are technical and engineering services.

That’s according to Deputy for Export of Iran’s Trade Development Organization Farhad Nouri. He was speaking at a meeting with Iran’s best exporters.

Alireza Peymanpak, Director of Iran’s Trade Development Organization was also attending the event in Tehran on Monday.

At the meeting, the exporters and trade activists explained their problems including those related to customs, issuance of guarantees for technical and engineering services projects, issuance of visas for Iranian laborers engaged in technical and engineering services projects, honoring foreign exchange obligations, VAT refund of exporters and many other issues.

Iran’s foreign trade reached $90 billion in the first 11 months of this year, which shows a 38% growth compared to the same period last year. This comes as Iran has been under harsh US sanctions. US and other Western officials admit that no country has been exposed to this level of bans.

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