MKO terrorists, their supporters will fail to achieve objectives: Iran

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani condemned the West’s solid political and financial support for the anti-Iran Mujahedin-e Khalq terror group, saying the absurd and sinister dreams of the terrorists and their backers will never come true.

Kanaani wrote on X on Thursday, “After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, within the framework of a foreign mission to debilitate and fail the Revolution of the Iranian nation, the MKO first started blind assassinations of the people and organized assassination of the country’s officials, and later their terrorist heads fled to France with the material and spiritual support of some Western governments claiming to be advocates of human rights and followed their criminal actions against the Islamic Republic, and the Iranian government and nation. ”

He added that the leaders of the terrorist organization of the Hypocrites took refuge in the Iraqi Baath regime under the leadership of Saddam Hussein and participated in the war against their own country and fellow citizens along with the regime.

“Their wretchedness did not stop there as they perpetrated the assassination of Iran’s nuclear scientists as mercenaries for the Zionist regime, which was and is the inventor and promoter of state terrorism.”

The spokesman stated that 17,000 martyrs of terrorism are the outcome of the disgraceful existence of the Hypocrites supported by certain Western governments who claim be advocates of human rights and even now they do not hesitate to give political and financial aid to these terrorists.

“Undoubtedly, the absurd and evil dream of the terrorist Hypocrites’ organization and their hypocritical supporters will never come true,” he stressed.

August 29 is the anniversary of the martyrdom of Mohammad-Ali Rajai and Mohammad-Javad Bahonar, the then president and prime minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, by the Western-backed terrorist organization, the Hypocrites (MKO).

On Iran’s official calendar, the day is designated as the Day of Fight Against Terrorism.

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