Leader: Iran’s progress under sanctions has surprised foreigners

The Leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution says the progress of the country under the sanctions has surprised observers, but Iran, so far, lacks the required skill to publicize them and reflect them in media reports.

Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei says many people may not be informed about a large portion of the advancements Iran has made.

The reasons, the leader says, is that Iran is “weak” in terms of reflecting the news in media, therefore such progress “is not said, is not seen and is not understood.”
Ayatollah Khamenei also touched on the exhibitions where Iranian advancements are put on display.

“Those who go and visit these exhibitions and some other places are delighted. Some are astounded. The foreigners who come [here], sometimes officials take them to some places and show them around and this surprises them. They would say did you achieve these under the circumstances of sanctions?” the leader stressed.

Ayatollah Khamenei made the comments in a meeting with a group of people from the northwestern Iranian city of Tabriz on Wednesday.

The leader also took a swipe at those who “openly lie” about the Islamic Republic in Iran and claim it is collapsing.

He said such claims are false as, if they were true the enemies would not have spent such hefty amounts to bring the establishment down.

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