Kataeb Hezbollah: Resistance capable of defending Iraqi airspace

Iraq’s Kataeb Hezbollah says resistance groups in the country are capable of defending its airspace, stressing that this gives them deterrence against any airstrikes by the US.

The group’s spokesman Jafar al-Hosseini says the capability is currently limited but can be developed.

He was talking to al-Mayadeen TV Channel in the wake of Iran’s attacks on secret Israeli sites in Iraq’s northern Kurdistan region on March 13.

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, which launched the missile strikes, warned at the time that the country will not tolerate threats near its borders.

Al-Hosseini added that there is evidence of Israel having presence in Kurdistan region and that the autonomous region is selling the oil to the Israeli regime.

“Presence of Israel in Iraq’s Kurdistan region for attacks on neighboring countries will drag Iraq into conflicts,” he said.

The official further stressed that resistance groups in Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine have increased their coordination.

“Al-Quds is the main objective of the Iraqi resistance…. There is a strategy among countries of the resistance axis and they have divided tasks among them,” he said.

The US considers resistance groups in Iraq and Lebanon as offshoots of Iran. But these groups have repeatedly said they are solely tied to Iran with their common objective, that is, resisting the US hegemony and Israeli acts of aggression.

The US has previously launched attacks on resistance groups in Iraq in retaliation for strikes on American bases, Washington blames on these groups.

The Iranian attack on Israeli bases in Erbil could also lead to another such US attack.

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