Iran’s UN envoy dismisses European accusations on nuclear deal commitments

Iranian permanent envoy to the United Nations Amir Saeed Iravani has dismissed accusations by three European countries, known as the European Troika, that Iran has “failed to abide by” its commitments under the landmark 2015 nuclear deal with the West as “baseless”.

In a letter to the United Nations secretary general and his Chinese counterpart, the rotating president of the UN Security Council, the Iranian ambassador rejected the recent accusation by France, Britain and Germany on Iran’s commitments to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

He said the trio “made baseless accusations against Iran and claimed that it violated the UN Security Council Resolution 2231, while they have ignored their own flagrant violation of the resolution,” referring to the resolution that endorsed the JCPOA and put an end to the decades-long standoff between Iran and the West over Tehran’s nuclear program.

He stressed Iran has always adhered to its commitments under the agreement and has provided maximum cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), most importantly to clarify the origin of the uranium particles found in Iran containing 83.7 percent U-235.

The Iranian envoy stressed that the Islamic Republic has never enriched uranium beyond 60 percent.

He pointed out that reports by the International Atomic Energy Agency have confirmed there have been no deviations in Iran’s nuclear activities.

Iravani added the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to fulfill its full commitments under the JCPOA should the other parties to the deal do the same.

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