Iranian Strain of COVID-19 May Emerge in Future: Official

A COVID-19 authority says an Iranian mutated strain of coronavirus may hit the country in the future.

Alireza Raisi said spring is the season when viruses mutate, and it is totally possible that it mutates in Iran as well.

He underlined currently different strains of the vaccine are threatening the nation.

“We should take the British strain of the virus seriously. But another important point we are facing is the Indian mutated version of coronavirus which can take a much higher toll, even higher than the British and South African strains,” said Raisi, the spokesman for Iran’s National Coronavirus Headquarters.

“[Residents in] provinces located along [Iran’s] eastern borders next to Pakistan and Afghanistan should be more careful and strictly observe health protocols. Accordingly, certain instructions have been communicated to provincial governors,” the spokesman added.

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