Iranian specialist warns: Water scarcity and droughts threaten Iran’s wetlands 

An Iranian wetland ecosystem management specialist has warned about the critical state of Iran's wetlands during a conference marking World Wetlands Day.

While noting that Iran sits approximately on 3.4 million hectares of wetlands, including 21 major sites like Lake Urmia and the Iranian section of the Hour al-Azim, Ali Arvahi said two-thirds of these areas are severely threatened by water scarcity and prolonged droughts.

Arvahi pointed out that pollution from industrial and urban wastewater continues to plague wetlands like Anzali and Shadegan.

He added that invasive species have also added insult to injury, jeopardizing native flora and fauna.

Arvahi however noted that the most pressing issue remains the lack of allocated water rights for these ecosystems.

He further voiced concern over the future of these vital ecosystems and questioned whether anything of the wetlands will remain for future generations of Iran at all.

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