Iranian Charity Helping Poor Christians during Christmas

While Christians are celebrating Christmas and the New Year throughout the world, an Iranian charity has been raising funds to provide aid packages for poor Armenians living in Iran.

Hemmat Online Charity have not forgotten Armenian Christians of Iran during their feast: it has plans to provide 40 poor Armenian families with aid packages of $46 on the occasion of Christmas.

“Although Armenians have always been well-liked by Iranians, charities often focus on patients, child labour and such issues, and forget about the honourable but poor Armenian families in our society who don’t receive enough attention,” said Qamsariyan, the manager of Hemmat Charity, according to a Farsi report by Sobhe-no newspaper.

“Christmas is an important event for Armenians, as Nowruz is for Iranian people. So we decided to help some Armenians of Iran who can’t enjoy the event because of financial problems.”

“We designed a poster in order to ask for people’s help, and posted it on our website and Telegram channel,” he added.

“After the aid packages are ready, philanthropists will give them to Armenian families in person. It is a positive move that will reinforce the spirit of helping and communication among them.”

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