Iran: US main culprit in assassination of Gen. Soleimani

Iran’s judiciary says it has identified some 125 people suspected of involvement in the assassination of top commander Qassem Soleimani.

The judiciary’s deputy for international affairs said some countries also provided logistical assistance in the targeted killing near Baghdad.

“The objective of the Islamic Republic of Iran is that, in cooperation with the government of Iraq as the country where the crime took place, all perpetrators and agents and those who ordered the terrorist crime are identified and brought to justice,” Kazem Gharibabadi said.

“Top on the list of perpetrators and those who ordered the terrorist crime is the former US president. [Donald] Trump is the one who acknowledged he has committed this terrorist act and took pride in it. His confession is a citable evidence proof in international courts.”

Ghariababadi added that criminal proceedings on the assassination are underway and the investigations will soon be completed.

The official also dismissed US claim that it conducted the assassination in self-defense. He said, under article 51 of the UN Charter, there should be an armed move or aggression to warrant action as legitimate defense, stressing that even the likelihood of an armed move is not a license for action in defense.

“On this issue, it should be noted that, General Qassem Soleimani was on a civilian and informal mission and was conveying a message to Iraqi officials on how to resolve regional issues. This assassination can also be an instance of crime against humanity,” he said.

General Soleimani and top Iraqi commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis were killed in a drone attack near Baghdad’s airport on January 3, 2020. The assassination was directly ordered by Donald Trump.

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