Iran says reserves right to respond to Israel threats

Iran’s Foreign Ministry has condemned Israel’s recent threats against the Islamic Republic over its nuclear program, reiterating it reserves the right to give a crushing response to such threats.

In a tweet, Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh described Israel as an outlaw regime. Khatibzadeh also lashed out at Israel for going on at Iran’s peaceful nuclear program while the regime itself is sitting on an illicit arsenal of nukes and refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty.

He added that Iran is a signatory to the NPT and has had its nuclear facilities inspected by the International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, more than any other country. Khatibzadeh said Iran reserves the right to respond to Israel’s threats and that the world is waking up to the destabilizing nature of the “West’s darling”.

Israel’s military chief Aviv Kohavi recently said the regime has prepared plans on striking Iran. Israel has frequently threatened Iran with war over the past years without making good on its threats. Iran says the saber-rattling is merely part of Israel’s psychological warfare.

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