Iran participates in Russian military exhibition in Moscow

The Russian defense exhibition known as ARMY 2024 was held several days ago in Moscow.

This is a defense expo that has been held annually since 2015.

The exhibition is where the latest military achievements of Russia and some of Moscow’s close allies are put on display.

The venue of ARMY 2024 is in the Kubinka region of Moscow Province and in a complex called “Patriotic Park”.

This large complex includes several museums and various military exhibitions.

The event was held in an area covering 120,000 square meters outdoors and 41,500 square meters indoors with the participation of 1,500 Russian scientific and military entities.

Some foreign participants also put their weapons on display including Iran and China.

The weapons showcased at the event included drones, jet engines, uncrewed aerial vehicles, all kinds of missiles, etc.

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