Monday, July 1, 2024

Iran president: Blood of 15,000 children killed in Gaza will put an end to Zionist regime

Iran’s president says the massacre of 15,000 children in the months-long Israeli onslaught in the Gaza Strip will drive the last nail in the coffin of the Zionist regime.

Addressing the closing ceremony of the 5th International Congress of Imam Reza in the northeastern Iranian city of Mashhad on Tuesday, Ebrahim Raisi said, “The blood of martyred Gazan children is so powerful that it would not only end the regime but will also lead to an end to global injustices.”

He said the Zionist regime is a cancerous tumor whose eradication can bring peace and security in the world.

The Iranian president lauded pro-Palestine protests in the West, saying that the people of the world have realized that the current system ruling the world is not fair and has to change.

He said the sole goal of the protests is to defend the oppressed people of Palestine and rise up against the oppressors.

“Today, the universities of the West and East of the world and all the freedom-loving nations have a single song of freedom for Palestine and the holy Al-Quds,” Raisi said.

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