Iran nuclear chief: IAEA disproportionately focused on Tehran’s nuclear work

Iran’s nuclear chief says the country wields less than two percent of the global nuclear capacity, but is subject to 25 percent of all inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Mohammad Eslami the head of the Atom Energy Organization of Iran says the nuclear fuel cycle is an element of power in today’s world, stressing that the focus by the western powers on Iran’s nuclear capability and use of nuclear bomb as a catch phrase is a pretext to prevent Iran from gaining full access to the nuclear technology.

The AEOI chief added that nuclear energy has nothing to do with an A-bomb and enables key scientific achievements.

He said a case in point is Iran’s ongoing work on molecular research on heavy water, which led to production of newborn screening drops in the recent months.

He also talked about the unveiling of the strategic development document of the AEOI back in March.

Eslami said the document calls for training of at least 20,000 experts in the nuclear field in the next 20 years and how the nuclear technology can affect different dimensions of people’s ordinary life.

The nuclear chief then announced a joint plan with the Education Ministry to open elementary schools for relevant training in the cities with nuclear facilities.

This, he said, is aimed at laying the ground to expand nuclear capability in the future.

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