Iran Leader says Israel to be brought to its knees in West Bank

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has said the West Bank is where the Zionist regime will be brought to its knees.  He made the remarks in a meeting with Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political bureau of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, and his accompanying delegation in Tehran on Wednesday.

The Leader commended the strong sense of responsibility among the young and faithful Palestinian generation, as well as their individual and collective struggle against the Israeli occupation.

He emphasized that recent events in Jenin, where Palestinian youths have surrounded the Zionist military, serve as clear examples of a new era and signal “a bright future with complete victory.”

Underscoring the centrality of the Palestinian issue, Ayatollah Khamenei stated, “Progress in resolving the issue of Palestine will also translate into progress on other matters concerning the Islamic Ummah.”

Ayatollah Khamenei also pointed to the noticeable changes in the conditions of Palestine over the past couple of years, particularly the increased presence of youths on the field, who draw strength from their faith in Islam.

Highlighting the importance of enhanced unity and coordination among all resistance groups, the Leader said, “During the recent battle of Gaza, we witnessed the enemy’s attempts to sow discord and divisions among the resistance groups. However, by the grace of God, their efforts were in vain.”

“Therefore, we should concentrate more on the issue of unity and coordination and tread this right path with strength,” he noted.

Ayatollah Khamenei described the Gaza Strip as the “epicenter of resistance,” but added that “it is the West Bank region that will bring the enemy to its knees.”

“Who would ever imagine that one day the Palestinian youths in Jenin could tighten the noose on Zionist troops to the extent that they would be forced to use fighter jets to break the siege of the young fighters, but this happened a few days ago in Jenin,” the Leader underlined.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that despite all pressures, international propaganda was in favor of the Palestinian people, adding, “On this year’s Quds Day, in addition to Islamic states, rallies were even held in European countries, and the people of Europe voiced their opposition to the Zionist regime, which is a very important issue and should be promoted.”

The Leader reiterated the Islamic Republic’s unwavering support for the Palestinian issue and said the late founder of the Islamic Revolution Imam Khomeini supported Palestine from the very beginning.

Ayatollah Khamenei added, “The Palestinian land belongs to all Muslims, so it is incumbent upon all Muslims to enter the scene [of fight] to liberate it, and this is a religious duty.”

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