Iran: Israel showing true colors as Vienna talks advance

Iran says the Israeli regime is upset by the progress of talks between Tehran and the P4+1 group in Vienna.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said on Thursday that as the Vienna talks advance, Israel is once again showing its true colors by calling for the negotiations to be halted immediately.

Khatibzadeh said the regime’s reaction is not surprising because “dialog is always despised by the regime whose genesis is based on war, tension, and terror.”

He added that diplomatic delegations present in Vienna will not take instruction from Beit Aghion.

In a phone call on Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett urged U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken to immediately terminate negotiations in the Austrian capital.

Israel has been a fierce opponent of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and heavily lobbied former United States President Donald Trump to scrap the deal.

Israel hailed Trump’s withdrawal from the JCPOA in 2018 and his re-imposition of sanctions against Tehran.

The regime now seems to have once again intensified its efforts and lobbying campaign to derail the dialog in Vienna where top negotiators from Iran, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany are trying to find a way to remove sanctions against Iran and allow the United States to return to the 2015 nuclear deal.

The Israeli regime has tried to derail Iran’s atomic program through assassination of a number of Iranian nuclear scientists and several sabotage operations against atomic facilities of the Islamic Republic, but to no avail.

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