Iran urges Europe to pursue policies independent of US for ties improvement

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani has stated the European states’ relations with Tehran will improve if they adopt policies independent of the United States.

Speaking to reporters at a weekly press conference on Monday, Kanaani bemoaned the lack of sufficient dynamism in the relations between Iran and Europe considering their capacities.

Asked about Europe’s cold response to the result of the recent presidential elections in Iran, the spokesman said the cold relations or the failure to employ the existing capacities result from “Europe’s miscalculations or bowing to pressure from the US”.

Kanaani stated that the bilateral relations will definitely improve if the European governments adopt independent policies towards Iran and rid themselves of US influence.

Asked about the US presidential election result’s impact on Iran’s foreign policy, the spokesman reiterated that Tehran does not care who is in charge of the US administrations.

What matters is that the US has taken a hostile policy against Iran, Kanaani noted, adding, “A fundamental change in the US’ hostile policies could change the atmosphere.”

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