Iran Calls for Further Unity among World’s Independent States

Iranian president says independent countries should try to coordinate their stances towards international developments.

Speaking in a Tuesday meeting with new Mexican Ambassador to Tehran, Jose Alfonso Zegbe Camarena, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said independent states should try to establish closer relations with each other and let the world hear a united voice from them.

He also pointed to the similar approaches of Iran and Mexico to international developments, and said the two countries should join hands and create a united front at the international level.

Rouhani further urged world powers to stop interfering in other countries’ affairs, and stressed that the only solution to international problems is dialogue and political consultation.

Elsewhere in the meeting, Rouhani noted that the Islamic Republic is keen to expand its cooperation with all Central and South American countries, Mexico in particular.

Tehran has always been interested in having good ties with Mexico and other countries in Central and South America, he said.

“Iranian and Mexican governments have serious resolve to promote their ties in all fields. The potentials for expanding Tehran-Mexico City cooperation should be identified so as to pave the way for deepening and developing business ties between the two countries’ private sectors,” Rouhani added.

The Iranian president regretted that the two countries have so far failed to use the existing capacities for enhancing the level of interactions, and expressed the hope that the cooperation between the two states would be reinforced during the new ambassador’s term.

Following the implementation of the nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers and the removal of certain sanctions and barriers to development of ties, the grounds are now prepared for increased interactions between Iran and Mexico, he added.

Zegbe Camarena, for his part, congratulated Rouhani on his re-election on behalf of the Mexican president, and stressed that his country seeks to expand its cooperation with the Islamic Republic.

“The relations between the governments and parliaments of the two countries are at a high level, and there are currently extensive cultural ties between the two sides,” he noted.

During the meeting, the new Mexican ambassador also handed over his credentials to President Rouhani.

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