Iran diplomat: Biden ME tour aimed at security for Israel; we should thank him

The head of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Interests Section in Egypt says the trip to the West Asia region by US President Joe Biden is aimed at ensuring the security of the Israeli regime.

“That Biden seeks to ensure the security of Israel with Arab states’ money during his trip to Saudi Arabia shows the degree of the Israeli regime’s vulnerability to the power of the front opposing normalization [of ties] and compromise [with Tel Aviv],” said Mohammad Hossein Soltanifard in a tweet.

“We should thank Mr. Biden as he frankly announced that he travelled to Israel and Saudi Arabia for the sake of oil and setting the stage for US congressional and presidential elections,” he said in another tweet.

“Biden just laughed when reporters asked him about human rights and tried to create the impression that his trip was a state visit by signing a handful of memoranda of understanding and documents,” he added.

After Biden’s meetings with Saudi authorities during his visit to Jeddah, Washington and Riyadh issued a joint statement as well as 18 joint cooperation agreements on a whole range of issues, namely energy, investment, communications, space and health.

The White House claims that Saudi Arabia has agreed to increase its crude output in July and August by 50%, while Riyadh has denied having reached any deal with Washington in that regard.

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