Intl. Quds Day in Iran: Demonstrators warn Israel against any foolish act at al-Aqsa Mosque

Iranian demonstrators marking the International Quds Day warn Israel that it will “pay a heavy price” if it commits any “foolish act” in dealing with the holy al-Aqsa Mosque, and that any new war will speed up the occupying regime’s collapse.

In a communiqué issued at the end of International Quds Day rallies on Friday, the demonstrators said the land of Palestine is the “central point of the Muslim world as well as an axis for convergence in the Islamic Ummah and synergy among Muslims.”

They said the “evil policies” of the US and regional and extra-regional powers aimed at building security for the Zionist regime have all faced defeat and the “usurping and temporary Zionist regime, faced with the new developments in the resistance front and the expansion of the flames of the Holy Intifada to the West Bank and all over the occupied territories, is grappling with a security challenge and internal collapse and is rapidly going down the path of definite decline.”

The participants condemned the Israeli regime’s desecrations of the al-Aqsa Mosque, which have led to the martyrdom and arrest of Palestinian pilgrims there, saying Israel resorts to such acts of violence as a way out of the political turmoil gripping the regime.

“We warn that any stupidity in relation to the al-Aqsa Mosque will have a heavy price and if a war breaks out, it will accelerate the collapse and destruction of the racist and usurping regime,” the statement said.

They also criticized the inaction of the world community and international rights groups in the face of Israel’s crimes against the Palestinians.

On Friday, millions of Iranian joined mass rallies countrywide to mark the International Quds Day, a legacy of Imam Khomenei, the late founder of the Islamic Republic, which is marked annually on the last Friday of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.

The influential leader designated the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as Quds Day on August 7, 1979, urging Muslims all over the world to use the occasion and voice solidarity with the Palestinians.

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