Report: IAEA drops claims over one ‘undeclared’ site in Iran amid bilateral cooperation

An Iranian news agency says the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has closed one of the three cases of dispute over what the UN nuclear watchdog calls “undeclared” nuclear activities as a result of “better interactions” between the two sides.

Fars News Agency reported that in the course of continued negotiations between the two sides, following a visit by IAEA Director-General Rafael Grossi to Iran in March, the case related to one of the so-called “undeclared sites,” namely Abadeh, had been settled.

Meanwhile, the report said, the dispute over the discovery of uranium particles enriched to 83.7% purity level has likewise been resolved following the explanations provided by Iran.

Fars also said it acquired information that a number of cameras have been re-installed at one of the nuclear sites, as part the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, after Iran and the IAEA issued a joint statement during Grossi’s visit for closer cooperation.

The cameras remain offline and do not transfer any data to the IAEA for the moment, Fars added.

Earlier this month, Mohammad Eslami, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) said Tehran was in cooperation with the IAEA to end the propaganda campaign and unfounded accusations against the country’s nuclear program, which Iran attributes to the Israeli regime.

The dispute with the IAEA has been one of the serious obstacles to the re-activation of the 2015 nuclear agreement, besides the US failure to effectively remove its sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

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