Former MP: Iran and P4+1 views close to each other

A former Iranian MP says the views of Iran and the P4+1 group of countries over the revival of the Iran nuclear deal are now very close to each other and the remaining differences are not irresolvable.

Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh said it’s likely that the PMD file is not closed at the International Atomic Energy Agency and Iran’s case is sent to the UN Security Council even if the 2015 nuclear deal is revived.

He noted that it is going to be no big deal because the issue can be resolved through political means.

Falahatpisheh added that Iran and the IAEA can reach an agreement to end the emergency situation of the Iran case before the next session of the agency’s Board of Governors.

The former lawmaker said it would have been better for Iran to make a deal 15 months ago and reap the benefits.

Falahatpisheh added that if a deal is reached without political games, it will become a robust agreement.

Falahatpisheh said the current text of the JCPOA revival deal is the closest to the views of the two sides.

He however said he does not think Iran will accept the draft before it’s revised.

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