Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman: No need for Iranian volunteer forces to be sent to Lebanon or Gaza

Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani said on Monday that Tehran does not have any proxies in the region, and the regional governments and nations are capable of defending themselves against Israel.

Kanaani added that there is no need to send volunteer forces from the Islamic Republic of Iran to Gaza and Lebanon either.

He was speaking at his weekly news briefing. Kanaani said, “”I believe that regional countries and governments, including in Lebanon and Palestine, can defend themselves against any aggression by the Zionist regime, and there is no need to send Iranian volunteer forces to Gaza and Lebanon”.

He added that Lebanon and Palestine are engaged in an unequal war with the Zionists, but the usurping regime is unable to confront the resistance forces in a direct confrontation due to its heavy defeats in the past few decades.

The Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Iran has warned the international community that the continuation of the Zionists’ war risks broadening the scope of instability and insecurity and the danger of conflict across the region.

Kanaani underlined that this does not mean that Iran is afraid of war. “We are not warmongers, but we are trying to boost stability and security in the region, and our hands have never been and will never be tied in the face of any adventurous move and violation of Iran’s national security or targeting Iran’s interests and national security.”

He went on to say that the UN, due to the US government’s role, has not been able to deter the Zionist regime’s war machine.

Kanaani also spoke about the inaction of the UN and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s presence in New York, saying it’s a disgrace that the podium of the world body is in the hands of a war criminal and he uses it to make threats against others.
“This is a dishonor for those who support the usurping regime that commits war crimes”, the Foreign Ministry spokesman added.

Kanaani also referred to the Israeli regime’s attacks on Lebanon, which killed hundreds of people and displaced more than a million more, adding that it’s a disgrace for the Zionist regime’s supporters that Israel heavily bombs Dahieh with 85 one-ton bombs and threatens that no one should come near the bombed areas while the US supports this.

Kanaani said the US will carry this shame forever but the US regime will not make any strategic achievements in the region by continuing its disgraceful support for all these crimes.

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