Efforts underway to extinguish huge fire on Iran-Iraq border

A huge fire which started in southern Iraq near Iran's border on Sunday has now spread to the Iranian side of the border.

Farhad Gholinejad, Deputy for Human Environment of Khuzestan Environment Department in southern Iran, said the smoke from this fire came to the capital city of Ahvaz and affected the south and northeast of the city for a few hours, but due to a wind, it was pushed out of the city.

Gholinejad added that the fire was the first on the Iranian side of the border this year, but since the beginning of summer, the Iraqi side has seen many fires.

“We have written a lot of letters via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Iraq to help them contain the fire, but there is a problem regarding coordination to do so”, he added.

Referring to the latest situation of the fire at the Safira waste disposal site in Ahvaz, Gholinejad said in the last week, the Safira waste disposal site also caught fire and the smoke from this blaze affected the nearby village of Safira.

He added that until a day or two ago, 80% of the fire was contained, and on Wednesday, authorities looked into the latest efforts to put it out at the site.

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