Downward trend in Iran Covid deaths holds

Covid deaths keep declining in Iran. Iranian Health Ministry figures on Sunday showed that Covid has killed 60 people in the past 24 hours, which is 12 fatalities down compared to yesterday.

The total death toll from Covid now stands at 139,610.

But Covid’s daily caseload jumped slightly compared to Saturday. The Health Ministry logged 1,816 new infections over the past 24 hours while the previous day’s cases stood at 1323.

Sunday’s caseload included 339 hospitalizations.

Iran has been able to contain the pandemic thorough rolling out a nationwide vaccination campaign that has seen upwards of 146 million doses of vaccine administered to people.

More than 25 million people have received their third dose of vaccine, which is known as the booster shot.

The last surge in Covid cases, which is now subsiding, was driven by Omicron, a variant of the virus.

Despite the downward trend in the deaths and infections, Iranian officials including President Ebrahim Raisi are urging people to not ease health protocols as this could cause a resurgence of the virus. Raisi on Saturday said people should avoid thinking that things are back to normal.

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