Deal close at hand in Vienna talks if West shows goodwill: Iran FM

Iran’s foreign minister has expressed hope the negotiating teams in the Austrian capital, Vienna, will arrive at an agreement over lifting of Iran’s sanctions if the Western parties to the talks act in good faith.

“Good deal within reach if the West shows goodwill,” said Hossein Amir Abdollahian in a tweet.

“We seek rational, sober & result-oriented dialogue,” he added.

“ViennaTalks proceeding with seriousness and sanctions removal as fundamental priority. Expert talks are continuing too,” the top diplomat further said.

He noted Iran is in contact with its chief negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani on a daily basis.

Talks aimed at removing the anti-Iran sanctions are ongoing in Vienna’s Coburg Hotel between the Iranian delegation and representatives of the 4+1 group of countries.

The senior negotiators form what has been described as the sanctions removal working group are seeking to set a prospect for the continuation of the talks, with the lifting of the bans topping their agenda.

Meanwhile, Bagheri Kani met with the EU’s Deputy Foreign Policy Chief Enrique Mora on Wednesday as Iran and the 4+1 group – Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany- are trying to clinch a deal.

Most diplomats attending the negotiations have described them as positive.

Most experts and members of the delegations of both sides believe an agreement is possible though the road ahead is bumpy.

Iran says it will return to full compliance with the 2015 Iran nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) if the other signatories to the deal keep their side of the bargain and the US lifts its sanctions on Tehran before Washington rejoins the deal.

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