All News about Iranian Books – With its rich literary tradition, including luminaries such as Rumi, Omar Khayyam, Hafez and Ferdowsi, the written and spoken word remains an endless source of inspiration and discovery in today’s Iran.
A book review session in Tehran has underlined that interfaith dialogue should be revived at a time when the world is reeling from the blows of war, hatred and violence.
A thin, fat or even a fit individual should consume all food groups on a daily basis based on their body needs to maintain their health and get the required energy.
Alireza Seifuddini, an Iranian translator, is to render ‘Mr. Cevdet and His Sons’, a novel written by Turkish recipient of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Literature Orhan Pamuk.
‘The Coach’ written by Iranian writer Farideh Khalatbari and illustrated by Zila Hodaei was picked as one of the top books on the list of the International Youth Library (IYL).
‘Nadja’, the most celebrated work by the outstanding French author André Breton and the first surrealist novel in the world which has been translated into Persian by Abbas Pejman, will be published.