A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on December 24

Aftab-e Yazd Newspaper:

1- Rouhani: Those Who Are Not in a Rush Are Probably Well-Off

2- Iran’s Reduction of Commitments, Law Passed by Parliament Complement Each Other

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on December 24


Arman-e Melli Newspaper:

1- Iran Will Definitely Buy COVID-19 Vaccine

2- Rouhani: To Fight Corruption, Iran Needs to Pass FATF Bills

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on December 24


Ebtekar Newspaper:

1- 2020 Year of World’s Coronavirus Nightmare

2- Iran’s Economic Growth Blocked by FATF Barrier

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on December 24


Etemad Newspaper:

1- Trump Pardons 45 People, 88% of Whom Had Personal Ties with Him

* Granting Clemency to Criminals

2- Elections Overshadowed by Coronavirus

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on December 24


Hamshahri Newspaper:

1- Bam; 17 Years after Earthquake

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on December 24


Iran Newspaper:

1- Other Countries Calling Iran to Restore Ties to Pre-Trump Conditions

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on December 24


Javan Newspaper:

1- Dichotomy of Vaccine/Negotiation Rejected

2- Hair Pulling (Girl Fight) in White House

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on December 24


Jomhouri Eslami Newspaper:

1- World Welcomes Full Implementation of JCPOA

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on December 24


Kayhan Newspaper:

1- FATF Is Cooperation with US Chamber of Commerce, Not the Way to Fight Corruption

2- Truck Drivers Clash in UK as British Virus Causes Severe Shortage of Food

3- Pelosi: I’ll Pull Trump by His Hair and Throw Him Out of White House

4- Senior Russian Officer: 20 Minutes of Meeting with Gen. Soleimani Was Enough to Remember Him Forever

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on December 24


Khorasan Newspaper:

1- Iran to Buy 16m Doses of Vaccine

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on December 24


Mardom Salari Newspaper:

1- US Failure, Isolation at Security Council

2- Europe Confused by British Coronavirus

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on December 24


Shahrvand Newspaper:

1- Return to Pre-Trump Conditions

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on December 24

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