Iranian forces get into armed conflict with terrorists in southeastern border

Iranian armed forces engaged on Saturday in a shootout with armed militants in the border city of Saravan, in Sistan and Baluchestan province, the commander of the border guards’ headquarters said.

The heavy armed raid which took place only two weeks ahead of the presidential elections in Iran, was countered by the Iranian border guards, Brigadier General Ahmad Ali Goudarzi said.

A number of terrorists were injured and were barred from entering the country from the Pakistani side of the border, according to the commander.

The assailants fled the scene and left a large cache of munitions and weapons, including a significant amount of explosives, C4, gunpowder fuse, electronic detonators, electronic circuit, M16 camera, 251 AK-41 rifles, several handguns, dozens of US-made grenades, and a wireless communication device.

No group has claimed responsibility for the assault, but the Pakistan-based US-supported Jaish al-Adl terrorist group has staged several raids in the province during the past months.

The separatist group seeks to cede Sistan and Baluchestan province from Iran.

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