Iran’s leader calls for global coalition against US arrogance

Iran’s leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has called for the formation of a global coalition to stand up against arrogance by the US and other Western countries.

Ayatollah Khamenei was speaking at a Monday meeting with Cuban President Miguel Mario DĂ­az-Canel and his entourage who are visiting Tehran.

The Leader noted that by focusing on economic cooperation, this coalition can adopt a common and effective position on important global matters such as the Palestinian issue.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that the Palestinian issue is not just about the recent developments and the bombing of Gaza because the Palestinian people have been tortured and massacred steadily over the past 75 years but the disaster in Gaza is now so big that it has laid bare the truth for the world public opinion.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the stance of the Cuban president on global issues, especially the issue of Palestine, is in line with that of the Islamic Republic.

He further referred to the cooperation between the two countries in international forums, adding that relations between Tehran and Havana should be further strengthened in various fields, including scientific cooperation.

Iran’s Leader further pointed to his meeting with Cuba’s late leader Fidel Castro, saying due to their sincere position on global issues, the Cuban revolution and Mr. Castro himself were appealing to the Iranian revolutionaries even before the victory of the Iran’s Islamic Revolution in 1979.

Ayatollah Khamenei underscored that “revolutionary honesty”, “revolutionary perseverance” and “revolutionary seriousness” are the common features of the Cuban revolution and the Islamic Revolution of Iran.

The Cuban president for his part expressed pleasure with his meeting with the Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, saying Ayatollah Khamenei’s remarks and stance are the same as the concerns and stance of the Cuban government.

Díaz-Canel noted that after Iran’s Islamic Revolution, relations between Iran and Cuba have been on the right track, stressing that Havana has always done its best to deepen those ties, especially the trade relations with Tehran.

The Cuba president said his country and Iran can complement each other in the fight against the US’s interfering attempts and sanctions.

DĂ­az-Canel further spoke about the issue of Palestine and the developments in Gaza. He said what is happening in Gaza right now is an unacceptable genocide, slamming the international bodies for turning a blind eye to the killing of tens of thousands of people there, two thirds of whom being women and children.

DĂ­az-Canel added that what is surprising is that those who steadily complained about the Ukraine war and criticized Russia are now keeping silent on the carnage in Gaza, which shows the dire situation of the world.

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