Yemen Oil Company: U.S., Britain leading acts of piracy against fuel ships

The Yemeni Oil Company’s executive director says Britain and the United States are orchestrating acts of piracy against Yemeni fuel ships to achieve their military and political purposes.

“Britain and the United States pursue a systematic policy of piracy against Yemeni vessels carrying fuel and enforcing a blockade on the country that mainly targets oil products to achieve their political and military goals,” Ammar al-Azra’i said.

He noted that acts of piracy against Yemeni vessels intensified in 2021, with Yemenis obtaining only 5% of the fuel they needed.

Al-Azra’i stressed that supplying fuel through ports occupied by the Saudi-led coalition would cost about 50 percent more than importing fuel through al-Hudaydah port which is run by the national salvation government.

In 2021, the Yemeni people paid about $6 million to receive fuel through land crossings, which went into the pockets of mercenaries, he added.

While the whole world is crying foul over surging crude prices; we have been shouting for two years that no tanker will enter Yemen unless it pays a 60 to 80 percent fine, he added.

Saudi Arabia launched its onslaught against Yemen in March 2015. Since then, it has imposed an all-out blockade of Yemen and refuses to ease its draconian restrictions despite untold human suffering. The devastating military campaign has caused a humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen and claimed hundreds of thousands of Yemeni lives.

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