Yemen Ansarullah leader: We won’t let US make decisions for us

The leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement says Yemenis will not allow the US to make decisions for them.

Abdul Malik al-Houthi said the US has started to build bases in Yemen’s Hadharmout, al-Mahrah and Aden.

Houthi also said, “We, as people of Yemen, will continue down our path to achieve independence and freedom and to prevent foreign intervention in our country”.

Houthi also strongly criticized the presidential council that replaced fugitive former president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi.

He described the members of the council as “a bunch of criminals, traitors and thieves chosen by foreigners”.

Houthi added that traitors are those who let a Saudi or Emirati officer make decisions for them. He said when the enemies (the US, Saudi Arabia and the UAE) saw their hopes of reinstating Hadi shattered, they ditched him in a humiliating way.

Elsewhere in his comments, the leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement referred to the normalization of ties between some Arab states and the Zionist regime.

He said the move was part of a plot to prepare the region for the Zionist enemies. He added that those who are spearheading the aggression against Yemen are the same regimes that are advancing the campaign of normalization with the Zionists.

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