Expert: US needs oil, Biden sinking

The high inflation and the soaring fuel prices in the US are gnawing away at President Joe Biden’s popularity, so he is going back on his election campaign promises to find new financial resources, a political expert says.

Hossein Askari, professor of political science at George Washington University and a former advisor to the ex-Saudi king, in an interview with Iran’s Mehr News Agency on Monday, said under the current economic and political circumstances in the US, the Democrats’ chances for winning the next presidential and Congressional elections are fast plummeting.

Asakri touched on Biden’s scheduled trip to Riyadh to seek support from Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to avert the current crisis, saying Riyadh alone cannot resolve the US fuel crisis by increasing its production by even one million barrels of oil per day.

He added Biden needs to be rid of the immense pressure from pro-Israeli lobbies to avoid confrontational policies with oil-rich countries like Iran and Venezuela and deal with them more realistically.

During his presidential campaign, Biden called for Riyadh to be made a “pariah” over the assassination of dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and its human rights record including the arbitrary detention of political dissidents and the war on Yemen.

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