Top Hamas delegation meets Nasrallah; anti-Israeli resistance discussed

A high-ranking delegation of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has reportedly met with Secretary General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah Resistance Movement, Seyed Hassan Nasrallah.

According to Lebanon’s al-Ahd news website, the Hamas delegation was led by deputy chief of the movement’s political bureau Saleh al-Arouri.

According to the report, the two sides discussed the latest developments in Palestine, especially the recent tensions and clashes in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of al-Quds and the outlook of a conflict between the resistance front and Israel.

The Occupied West Bank has witnessed frequent violence over the past weeks amid mass protests by Palestinians against Israel’s annexation of Palestinian neighborhoods and destruction of Palestinian homes. The regime has heavily cracked down on the demonstrations, killing several Palestinians.

Forced evacuations in Sheikh Jarrah were the root of the May 2021 bloodshed against Palestinians and a short flare-up of conflict between Hamas in Gaza and Israeli forces.

Sheikh Jarrah has become a rallying point for Palestinians protesting forced evacuations and destruction of their homes across the occupied territories, especially in the villages near Nablus in the West Bank.

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