Three Palestinians killed by Israel troops in WB

At least three young Palestinian men have been shot dead and several others wounded during confrontations with the Israeli military forces at the Jenin refugee camp in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

Palestinian sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the latest attack took place on Thursday morning, when the troops raided the camp to arrest a number of the local residents.

The sources added that Israeli forces surrounded several houses, and called on those inside the buildings to surrender and leave their homes and into the street.

It was when clashes broke out between Palestinian gunmen and Israeli forces. Plumes of thick black smoke filled the sky above the camp as residents burned tires.

The incident comes as three separate operations by Palestinians in the span of eight days have killed 11 Israeli settlers, in a surge not witnessed in years, and which may continue.

On Tuesday night, a Palestinian man, identified as Diaa Hamarsheh, killed five people, including a policeman, before being shot dead by police in the ultra-orthodox town of Bnei Brak, east of Tel Aviv.

On Sunday, two Palestinian gunmen killed two Israeli forces and wounded four others in a shooting operation in the northern Israeli city of Hadera before they were shot dead.

It followed an attack on March 22, when a Palestinian man was fatally shot over an alleged stabbing attack near a shopping center in Beersheba, in the south of the Israeli-occupied territories, which left four Israeli settlers dead.

The string of operations by Palestinians has left many Israeli settlers in fear of further tensions, while others, especially on the far-right, have called for a strong reaction from the Tel Aviv regime.

Incitement and attacks against Palestinian communities have escalated as well.

Shortly after the attack on Tuesday, scores of Israelis gathered at the scene, where they could be heard chanting anti-Palestinian slogans, including “Death to Arabs.”

Israeli settlers launched several attacks on Palestinians and their property on Tuesday.

Additionally, Palestinian resistance groups have said in a joint statement that the Palestinian nation is united in confronting the Israeli regime’s occupation, its illegal settlements expansion activities as well as racial discrimination policies.

The factions stressed that Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and elsewhere in the occupied territories are unanimous in arriving at a national consensus closing divisions and achieving political unity.

“The Palestinian nation will never capitulate to the Israeli regime, and will continue the struggle until the end of the occupation,” they added.

The resistance groups also lambasted the recent meeting between foreign ministers of the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Morocco – three Arab countries that normalized relations with Israel in 2020 – and Israeli official in the occupied region of Negev.

“They are vying with each other to meet Israeli occupation authorities than to assume their historical and national responsibilities vis-à-vis the Palestinian nation, the occupied city of al-Quds and its sacred sites, and take effective measures to seriously stop the ongoing violations,” the factions pointed out.

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