Tehran to EU: Nuclear talks must meet Iranians’ rights

Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian has told EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Joseph Borel the nuclear talks will be acceptable to Tehran if they produce tangible results and fulfill the rights of the Iranian people.

The foreign minister also said the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran treats the law approved by the country’s parliament regarding the nuclear issue as binding.

The law obliged the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization to increase its nuclear activities including uranium enrichment at 20 percent purity. Under the law, the government is also bound to suspend the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections of Iran’s nuclear facilities.

In a telephone conversation, Amir Abdollahian also told Borel that any negotiations over the nuclear deal known as the JCPOA must enable the verification of any side’s actions by other parties.

After congratulating Amir Abdollahian on his appointment as Iran’s foreign minister, the top EU diplomat said the bloc was hopeful a date would be set as soon as possible for resuming the Vienna talks following the formation of the new administration in Iran. The nuclear negotiations continued for months between Iran and other sides under former Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to revive the JCPOA.

After the US withdrawal from the agreement under former president Donald Trump in 2018 and his reinstatement of sanctions on Tehran, Iran reduced its nuclear commitments in retaliation. It now says it will return to full compliance only after the US removes all the sanctions in one go and return to the JCPOA.
Iran also says the European signatories to the nuclear agreement have failed to stick by their side of the JCPOA under pressure from Washington.

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