Amir Abdollahian

Riyadh Needs to Return to Normal Ties with Tehran: Official

A senior Iranian official says Saudi Arabia has no other option, but to restore normal relations with Iran.

Iranian Official: ISIL Desecrating Karbala, Najaf in Guise of Iraqis

An aide to Iran’s Parliament speaker has warned of a plot by the ISIL terrorists to desecrate Iraq’s holy cities of Karbala and Najaf under the guise of Iraqi protestors with the support of the US and Saudi Arabia.

‘Abducted Iranian Diplomats Still Alive, Held in Israeli Jail’

A senior Iranian official says the four Iranian diplomats abducted nearly forty years ago by Israeli-backed forces in Lebanon are still alive and held in Israeli jails.

Iranian Official Warns Arabs against Hosting US Bases

A top aide to Iran’s parliament speaker has lashed out at Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain for threatening regional security by allowing the US to use their territories for espionage, warning them of damages from a “self-inflicted fire”.

Iran Urges UN Human Rights Council to Terminate Saudi Membership

An Iranian official has called for the removal of Saudi Arabia from the UN Human Rights Council given the country’s violation of human rights in Yemen and Bahrain, and its alleged murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Official Says Iran’s Presence in Syria Aimed at Keeping Israel Out

A senior Iranian official says Iranian military advisers will continue their presence in Syria to help the Arab country defeat an all-out foreign-sponsored militancy.

“Saudi-Led Coalition Depriving Yemenis of Water, Food”

An Iranian official has warned about the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Yemen, saying the Saudi-led coalition is seeking to pressurize Yemenis into surrendering by cutting water and food supplies.

“Iran May Launch Attacks on Terrorists at Syrian Government’s Request”

Senior Iranian politician Hossein Amir-Abdollahian says if the Syrian government requests and if it is necessary, Iran will organize operations against the terrorists at any place across the Arab country.

Bin Salman Main Evil in Middle East: Iranian Politician

Senior Advisor to the Iranian Parliament Speaker Hossein Amir Abdollahian has lashed out at the remarks made by Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman, who called Iran and Turkey “evil” states.

Israel Has Written Security Agreement with Nusra Front: Iran

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, an advisor to Iranian Parliament Speaker and an influential diplomat, has blamed the Israeli regime for the ongoing tension in Eastern Ghouta, saying the Nusra Front terrorists are trying to ensure Israel’s security from inside the Syrian territory.

Top Iranian, Egyptian Officials Discuss Bilateral, Regional Issues

A senior Iranian advisor has held a meeting with the head of the Egyptian Interest Section in Tehran.

‘Iran Played Key Role in Liberation of Mosul’

A top Iranian politician says the Islamic Republic played a major role in the liberation of the Iraqi city of Mosul.

Terrorist Attack on al-Foua, Kefraya Encouraged by US Military Action

An Iranian advisor says the US military action against Syria was inspiring for the terrorists in the Arab country and encouraged them to carry out another attack on innocent people.

“Riyadh Still Has Chance to Change Its Policies”

A top Iranian politician says Tehran has left the path open for Saudi Arabia to change tack and rethink its policies on Tehran.

‘Referendum Only Solution to Palestine Issue’

While highlighting a concerted effort to counter Israeli atrocities against Palestinians, an Iranian official says the only solution to the issue of Palestine is holding a referendum.

Syrian President Hails Iran’s Support in Six-Year-Long Crisis

Syrian President Bashar Assad said on Thursday that Iran has been the main supporter of the Arab country in its almost six-year-long battle against terrorism.

Iranian Speaker’s Advisor Hails Syrian Army Victories in Aleppo

Senior Advisor to the Iranian Parliament Speaker Hossein Amir Abdollahian in a message lauded the Syrian army for its recent victories in Aleppo province.

Iran stresses ties with African states

The Islamic Republic of Iran has underlined the significance of relations between Tehran and African countries.

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