Palestinians vow retaliation after Israeli deadly attack on West Bank city

Palestinian resistance factions and officials have vowed revenge for Israel’s Wednesday “carnage” in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus, in which at least 10 people were killed and over a hundred injured.

In a statement, the Gaza-based Hamas resistance movement denounced what it called “the brutal extrajudicial execution of Palestinians” in Nablus.

Hisham Qassem, a senior member of Hamas’ political bureau, said the right response to the massacre is activating resistance forces in all of the occupied Palestinian territories and launching retaliatory attacks against Israeli forces and settlers.

A spokesman for the military wing of Hamas warned in a short statement that the Palestinian resistance is “running out of patience”.

“The resistance in Gaza is monitoring the escalating crimes conducted by the enemy against our people in the occupied West Bank and is running out of patience,” noted Abu Obaida, spokesman for the Hamas armed wing.

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad also called the Israeli attack a “heinous crime,” saying Palestinians will not allow the atrocity to go unpunished.

In a statement, the group said the blood of the Palestinian martyrs will not be wasted and the enemy’s goals behind this act of aggression will fail, as such attacks reinforce resistance against the apartheid regime.

The resistance group added the Israeli enemy must await the response of the Palestinian resistance any moment and from anywhere.

Nabil Abu Rudeineh, a spokesman for Palestinian Authority also condemned the deadly military raid and called for an end to the continued Israeli aggression against Palestinians.

He stated the occupying regime is responsible for this dangerous escalation that’s pushing the region toward an explosion.

“The crime committed by the occupation forces in the city of Nablus today reaffirms the importance of our demand that the international community must act immediately to stop the Israeli crimes against our people, their land and their sanctities, and stop the unilateral Israeli measures,” added Abu Rudeineh.

Palestinian Prime Minister Mohamed Shtayyeh described the Israeli killing of Palestinians in Nablus as “organized terrorism” and urged the UN to stop practicing “double standards.”

“The Israeli aggression is organized terrorism through which Israel seeks to export its internal crisis to the Palestinian arena,” he stressed.

Shtayyeh called on the UN “to stop the policy of double standards that encourages Israel to continue its aggression against the Palestinian people.”

“Whatever is practiced against our people will not deter them from continuing their legitimate struggle to achieve their goals of freedom, ending the occupation, and establishing their independent state, with al-Quds as its capital,” he continued.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said at least 10 Palestinians were killed by Israeli soldiers, including a 72-year-old man and a 14-year-old boy.

At least 102 Palestinians were also injured, with over 80 of them suffering gunshot wounds.

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