Murder convict hanged in Iran

A death row inmate in Iran has been hanged after he was granted a stay of execution several times.

The Judiciary said all efforts including by judicial officials and cultural activists to convince the victim’s family to spare Arman Abdolaali failed and the convict was hanged Wednesday morning.

Arman had killed a girl whom he loved seven and a half years ago. This happened after the girl, Ghazaleh, rejected his marriage proposal. At the time, Arman was 18 and Ghazaleh was 19. 

After he pleaded guilty, he was sentenced to qesas (retribution). He was then taken to the gallows several times but was given a reprieve from execution each time including once by the girl’s family to show them the place of her body. 

Arman said, after murdering the girl, he put her corpse in a suitcase and threw it into a garbage case. But no trace of the body was ever found. 

Ghazaleh’s father said the convict’s parents and some celebrities including cinema actors Parveez Parastooee and Rambod Javan came to their house to ask for forgiveness.

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