Military chief: Lasting security in region fruit of efforts by Iran forces

Iran’s top military commander says the region is currently enjoying lasting security thanks to the efforts made by different units of the Islamic Republic’s Armed Forces.

Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of Iran Major General Mohammad Bagheri made the comments on Sunday during an inspection of the military staff based in Iran’s western province of Korestan, which borders Iraq.

“There is lasting security in the region, and that is the fruit of efforts exerted by the Armed Forces, the Border Guard Force, the Law Enforcement Force, and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC),” the top general told reporters.

Commenting on the security situation in Kordestan Province, Major General Bagheri said the province’s border with Iraq has excellent security despite some “sporadic acts of mischief” there.

The province has, on many occasions, been the scene of clashes between Iranian security forces and terrorist elements, who infiltrate into the country through the borders of Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region.

Iran’s Armed forces have disbanded several terror groups, which planned to carry out acts of violence in the country, in Iraqi Kurdistan region.

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