Iranian FM: US side must adopt a realistic approach in Vienna talks

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian has urged the US to adopt a realistic approach in the Vienna talks instead of playing with words and wasting the time.

Speaking during a joint press conference with his Lebanese counterpart Abdollah Bu Habib in Beirut, Amir Abdollahian reiterated the Iran is ready for a good, strong and lasting deal but not at the expense of its red lines.

The Iranian foreign minister noted that a deal is possible in a short time if the US side is realistic.

He said all countries will benefit from an agreement and that the talks over sanctions removal in Vienna are close to their finish line.

Amir Abdollahian then turned to the Palestinian issue. He said Iran views resistance as the sole way of forming an independent Palestinian state with al-Quds as its capital.

He added, holding a referendum in which all Palestinians including Muslims, Christians and Jews participate, can decide the future of Palestine.

On the Iran-Lebanon ties, the Iranian foreign minister said Tehran is still prepared to meet the Lebanese need for electricity by building two 1000MW power plants in the Arab country.
Amir Abdollahian noted that the Islamic Republic of Iran has made some proposals to help Lebanon get out of this difficult economic situation.

He also touched on the situation in Ukraine, saying Iran is pursuing peace efforts to end the war in the country.

The top Iranian diplomat said Ukrainians are for a cessation of hostilities and the Russian officials have also welcomed efforts to stop the conflict through talks.

Amir Abdollahian in further comments referred to the Iraqi-mediated talks between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia. He said Iran welcomes a normalization of ties with Saudi Arabia but it is receiving contradictory messages from Riyadh.

The top Iranian diplomat also said Iran expects the Saudis to act in the best interests of the region. Amir Abdollahian also spoke of Iran’s opposition to the Yemen war. He said Tehran condemns war anywhere it happens be it in Ukraine, Afghanistan or Yemen.

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