Iranian Defense Ministry hails IRGC fight against Takfiri terrorists

Iran’s Defense Ministry says it will do its best to provide Iranian armed forces, especially the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, with its most advanced military hardware.

The Defense Ministry issued a statement on the occasion of the Day of Guards, which coincides with the birthday of Imam Hussein (PBUH), the third Shia Imam praising the IRGC.

The Defense Ministry added that the IRGC has broken the fake grandeur of the US in the region and the world.

Per the statement of the Defense Ministry, the IRGC played a matchless role in confronting deceived counterrevolutionary elements in the early years after the Islamic Revolution’s victory and performed itself strongly in the 8-year imposed war in 1980s.

The statement also praised the IRGC for its fight against Takfiri terrorists in Iraq and Syria with martyred General Qassem Soleimani being the commander of Iranian forces at those battlefields.

The Defense Ministry stressed that the recent attempts by foreign enemies and those inside Iran to impose sanctions on the IRGC or blacklist it as a terrorist organization will get nowhere.

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